How Do I Get Inbound Enquiries On LinkedIn?

How Do I Get Inbound Enquiries On LinkedIn?

Someone asked me this question recently and how long it would take, so I thought I would write this article to help.

Aside from paying for LinkedIn advertising, here are 5 organic strategies which can help to start generating inbound leads; there is no time limit in which you will generate leads and depends on what strategies you have implemented and time and effort you have given your lead generation strategy, if you have one.

  1. Post content that helps establish that you are an expert in your field to your target market. Use compelling headlines so that your ideal client or referral partners can’t resist visiting your profile. Don’t forget your Call To Action giving potential leads the next step in connecting and doing business with you. Being consistent is important and you will be able to use LinkedIn’s content sharing algorithm in your favour, which in turn will increase engagement, if you are posting the right content for your audience.
  2. Sharing content is content which you didn’t create, such as a content from your networks news feed. Think about it as regular posts which your 1st degree connections and their connections see in their news feeds.
  3. Make yourself known and join the right conversations. You can find these conversations in your news feed, LinkedIn groups, in the LinkedIn News feature This will allow you to connect with more of the people who want to do business with you. If your market is local, say in Kent, you can find specific conversations in in your local community, and many of whom are the ones you want to do business with, are participating. You’ll pleasantly be surprised to see how these people can turn into inbound leads.
  4. Grow your connections. LinkedIn want you to reward you if you grow a large and profitable network. Once you reach past 500 connections LinkedIn will post you as a suggested connection to your ideal clients and referral partners once you have enough of the same common connections.

  I get connection requests from inbound leads who tell me they found me because LinkedIn recommended me so if you’re a business owner, marketer or sales professional make sure you’ve set your profile to “Public”

5. If you have completed my 4-week LinkedIn training course, during the lead generation module, I recommend asking your connections that all important question……why they wanted to connect with you. There has to be a reason for their request. It’s a bit like someone walking into your shop and being asked “Do you need help with anything?” Our natural response is always something along the lines of “Just looking” even if we’ve been thinking about visiting that retailer for years and purchasing a specific item.

Top Tip:

When you receive an connection request you can simply reply with “Hi (first name) Thanks for your invitation . May I ask, what made you decide to connect with me?” They may have seen something about your service and want to find out more, and you’ve now opened up a conversation with a potential client who you’ve turned into an inbound lead, but without asking the question they might not make the first move and a conversation doesn’t happen.

There are many more strategies to use and if you are ready to discover how to generate leads using your LinkedIn profile and attract clients, email here to attend our upcoming online training programmes

We can also create and post your content for you with our monthly social media packages if you want to increase your brand awareness and are finding it challenging to be consistent?

 I hope this article was useful? Are there any strategies you have not included?

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